Blue Monday?

Blue Monday?

Blue Monday falls every year on the third Monday in January. It is, supposedly, the most depressing day of the year. But is it actually the saddest day of the year? The short answer is no. The long answer is explored by Live Science here.

That being said, the winter months can play a role in catalyzing or elevating feelings of depression and anxiety. So, this 'Blue Monday', we instead want to platform the importance of the ‘blue mind’ theory.

You may have heard of ‘green prescriptions’ but researchers have recently revealed the powerful connection between humans and water. For example, the colour, sound and feel of water can lower pulse rate and increase feelings of calmness.

Ultimately, water can have significant benefits to our physical and mental health, and this is not exclusive to people who live by the ocean. A few actions you can take include:

  • Going for a swim 
  • Having a bath 
  • Listening to water sounds

Unlock your ‘Blue Mind’ this Blue Monday:



Produced in partnership with Earth Minutes 📹

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