Great British Beach Clean Week

Great British Beach Clean Week

This week was Great British Beach Clean Week, a nationwide event, created by the Marine Conservation Society intended to tackle the growing problem of plastic pollution on our coastlines. 

Today, the movement inspires individuals, families, and organisations to take action.

These are the top 5 aims of the initiative:

1. Raising Awareness of the impact of pollution

The event shines a spotlight on the amount of litter and plastic pollution affecting beaches and ecosystems. Volunteers who take part witness firsthand the extent of the problem, which fosters a deeper understanding of the impact that waste, especially plastic, has on the environment.

2. Data Collection for Policy Change

During the clean-up, participants record the types and amounts of litter they collect. 

These are the top stats that were sourced from last years event 👇

  • 92% of inland litter picks recorded plastic bottles and lids
  • Over 21,000 wet wipes were recorded
  • 72% of beaches surveyed in 2023 found sewage-related items
  • 940 vapes were found in total, across 42% of inland litter picks
  • 480,343 litter items were removed from beaches
  • 167 litter items found per 100m of beach

This data is crucial because it helps environmental organisations, like the MCS, build evidence to push for changes in waste management policies, better product designs, and stricter environmental regulations. For example, past data from the Beach Clean helped in campaigns that led to the UK introducing a plastic bag charge.

3. Protecting Wildlife

Beach litter can be harmful to marine animals, which may ingest or get entangled in plastic and other debris. By removing this waste, the event directly protects wildlife and improves their habitat. This is especially important for species such as seabirds, turtles, and fish.

4. Engaging Communities in Conservation

The event mobilises local communities, schools, businesses, and families, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the health of oceans and coastlines. It encourages people to adopt long-term eco-friendly habits like reducing single-use plastics and properly disposing of waste.

5. Global Environmental Efforts

The Great British Beach Clean is part of the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC), a global initiative. By participating, volunteers contribute to a larger worldwide effort to keep oceans clean, sharing valuable data and resources.

This week, with our partners City to Sea, we hosted a beach clean in Brighton.

With members of both our communities we introduced our organisations, did a 2 hour beach clean, talked through what we found, the impact it had on the environment, how our plastic collection partners safely repurpose this and created a piece of art with the waste. 

Together, we can turn the tide on plastic pollution


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